Food Power Tackling Food Poverty- Penny’s Story
May 24, 2021 1:02 pm
Food Power: Tackling food poverty through people-powered change
Food Power aims to strengthen the ability of local communities to reduce food poverty, through solutions developed in partnership. The goal is to transform the way that people experiencing food poverty access support so they can create long-term, sustainable lives that are free from hunger.
The Newcastle Food Poverty Group was established in April 2017 by Food Newcastle and Active Inclusion as a delivery sub group of the Newcastle Good Food Plan. This group aims to make a measurable difference by mitigating the adverse effects of food poverty and understanding and responding to the causes of food poverty.
We’ve been working with Food Power to empower experts by experience. We support the active engagement of individuals who have experienced food poverty, just like Penny from Byker. Food Power have created a video Penny’s Story talking about her experience and involvement with Food Power.
“I tell my story, I reduce the stigma of food poverty”
“It’s all about having that one person in the beginning to empower you”
With thanks to the Food Power, for supporting Food Newcastle and Penny Walters. Food Power is led by Sustain & Church Action on Poverty, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
Categorised in: General News
This post was written by Coordinator