What we do
The 6 Themes of the Newcastle Good Food Plan
Food Newcastle is currently driving forward the aims of the Newcastle Good Food Plan, which was launched beginning of 2018.
The plan which was developed by the partnership is based on the 6 key issues of the Sustainable Food Cities Framework.
Themed delivery groups, with multi sector representation, have been set up to drive the actions forward for each theme.
The Newcastle Good Food Plan will be reviewed at the annual Food Newcastle Partnership events in line with developments from the Themed Sub-group action plans. Priorities in the good food plan will be revised and developed as necessary.
Currently there are steady developments in all areas, the work continues to evolve and advance.
The Good Food Plan was reviewed in 2019’s annual event through themed workshop discussion and is due to be updated. Due to the pandemic we have postponed the release of the updated Good Food Plan, and hope to release this in 2021.
Looking forward Food Newcastle will be focusing on:
- Providing continued to support for the development of the sub groups.
- Continue to build on and strengthen the wider Food Newcastle network.
- Food Newcastle is now setting its sights on the Sustainable Food Places Silver Award. These awards are designed to recognise and celebrate the success of those places taking a joined up, holistic approach to food and that are achieving significant positive change on a range of key food issues. This will be a 3 year process which begun in 2020.
If you, or your organisation, is interested in having a role in helping us to achieve the themes and actions of the Good Food Plan, or if you would like to be part of the good food movement in any other way, please get in contact.